Sunday, June 12, 2005

Movie Review: Dick Tracy

Warren Beatty stars as Tracy on the persuit of the gangster Big Boy (Al Pachino). It's interesting how similar Pachino's character is in Dick Tracy to his character in the Godfather. In both films he plays gangsters making their way to the top of the gang and making alliances with other gangsters to control the city. I like the villans in Dick Tracy because they are more true to real criminals in life than the criminals of other comic strips such as Superman. In Dick Tracy, villans actually have a reason for being evil and aren't evil just because they have a chip on their shoulder or they want revenge from one inncident in their life. The villans in this film are like the villans of every day life. They are the elite who control the city with alliances in high places doing anything for profit. In an even more realistic situation, these villans could afford to control the police as well. In fact, Pachino tries to bribe Tracy, but he refuses, of course. But, hey, it's a movie and the hero is free from all corruption. I wish we had a Dick Tracy in real life.
The film was entertaining, but felt somewhat lackluster. Kind of the same idea as Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, but not as well executed.

3 stars

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