Tuesday, November 02, 2004


20:11:34 punkorastropunk: dont john kerry and bush both take votes away from the "absense of votes" ticket?
20:11:39 punkorastropunk: they are total spoilers
20:12:00 stonepauper: what is absense of votes?
20:12:04 punkorastropunk: when you dont vote
20:12:18 stonepauper: oh
20:12:20 stonepauper: yeah dude
20:12:21 stonepauper: i agree
20:12:32 punkorastropunk: they both completely steal those votes because the absense of votes ticket has been around way longer than either party
20:12:47 stonepauper: yeah i know
20:12:49 punkorastropunk: and each american has been with that ticket for the first 18 years of their life at least
20:12:56 stonepauper: people have been not voting since the dawn of time
20:13:07 punkorastropunk: and then those two parties try to steal those votes
20:13:19 punkorastropunk: its sad that they have to resort to those tactics
20:13:35 stonepauper: sad indeed

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