Friday, December 12, 2003

I havn't had a huge musical rant for awhile. I think it's time again.
Apparently Aesop Rock is coming here on the 17th along with Mr. Lif, Akrobatic, and Fakts One. Just a second ago I was trying to decide if I would go, but I'm opting for no. Aesop Rock is ok, but he's not amazing or anything. If I went, it would be for Mr. Lif anyways, there arn't enough political MCs. But no, the TIGER ARMY, and F-MINUS combo is the following night and I don't usually like two concerts in two nights. Oh yeah, and rancid is going to be there, which dissappoints me. I know there are about 2 million people that used to like rancid a few months ago, but now that rancid is on magazine covers and their last cd came out it's "rancid sucks dude, they always sucked" or "those sellouts". As if they didn't sellout years ago with songs like "ruby soho" on MTV and the radio constantly. Anyways, if you want to listen to rancid, you should already realize that NO, they ARNT an underground band. Everybody should have come to terms with that years ago. My beef with rancid is that I KNOW they are going to bring really shitty huge ass preppy crowds to our TIGER ARMY and F-MINUS concert. Oh and of course I gave their new cd the ol' once over and it didn't really appeal to me. Not to mention the fact that ol' timmy is also in the 'shampoo commercial rockers', more popularly known as the "transplants" (as in big time record companies TRANSPLANTED one member from a handful of bands that were 'on the rage' to make one super shitty band, and more importantly, lots of money). But actually I don't have a problem with Travis Barker (drummer from the transplants). Yes, yes, I know he is drumming for that amazingly shitty band called blink182, but he is an amazing drummer (and he's soooo cute! jk), besides, any former Aquabat is OK in my book. Aaaaaannyyways, yeah, rancid should come seperately from TIGER ARMY and F-MINUS. Anybody who reads my blog religiously knows that the F-MINUS concert awhile back was my favorite concert I can think of. And anyone who knows me personally might know that TIGER ARMY is very high in my list of great new bands that are still playing. They appeal to me, not only cos they are so great, but they are the only band out of the 3 that I havn't seen play yet. Right now I'm filled with ambivilance about this concert. On one hand I hate fucking huge sweaty ass shitty preppy fuck crowds, but on the other hand....

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