Friday, December 19, 2003

Well I went to the rancid/tigerarmy/f-minus show last night and it was pretty good, but not amazing or anything. There were so fewer preps there than I had imagined there would be, and the overall crowd was less than that of AFI, which surprised me. I had been talking to Erica from F-Minus, who said that surprisingly a lot of people leave after Tiger Army plays on this tour. She was right. When Tiger Army played, the crowd shrunk a bit and was nothing but preppy looking kids for the most part. I got there and F-Minus played like 2 songs before they were done with their set. That kinda sucked, but I've seen them before, and it was cool because I hung out in the merch area the whole concert, could see everything, and since Erica always does some of the merch work, I got talk to her a bit and got her to sign my other shoe! I don't know if I said this already, but last time F-Minus came, she signed one of my shoes. I had her sign the other one this time and when I showed her the first signed one, she said "thaaat's funny" (in a 'that's not funny' sort of tone). Oh yeah, Tiger Army said that the drummer's house was broken into and he was shot four times and once was in the head and he survived. Isn't that weird that they didn't say "tiger army never dies!" after that? They said it after pretty much everything else though, like "how do you all like F-Minus?? TIGER ARMY NEvER DIES!!"

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