Sunday, May 15, 2005

Omitted Information: CIA Porn

The CIA Filmed A Pornographic Movie

In 1976, a former CIA agent named Joseph Burkholder Smith released a memoir of his twenty-two year long career in the Central Intelligence Agency. The 400+ page book, entitled Portrait of a Cold Warrior, contained one particularly startling undertaking of the U.S. government.
The American government, as exposed by Smith, undertook the filming of a pornographic film that was intended to discredit the President of Indonesia.
Smith wrote, "our special Sukarno [current President of Indonesia] committee was formed to accomplish ... the production of a film, or at least some still photos, [purportedly] showing Sukarno and his Russian girlfriend engaged in his favorite activity…
“We were interested in the impact of this theme outside Indonesia, for our purpose was to present Sukarno in as unfavorable and unsympathetic light as possible. If he were deposed by our friends the colonels, we wanted the world to agree with us that Indonesia would be better off."
To make the film, a look-a-like actor was sought, but when that didn’t work out "we decided that we would try to develop a full-face mask of Sukarno. We planned to ship this out to Los Angeles and ask the police to pay some blue film star to wear it during his big scene", says the film’s director, Robert Maheu. Oddly enough, Maheu came to be Howard Hughe’s chief-assistant in later years.
The film was completed, but never used against Sukarno as intended. However, still photographs were taken for distribution in the Far East.

Joseph Smith, Portrait of a Cold Warrior
John Ranelagh, The Agency, p. 332-333, p. 788

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