You are about to read 3 TRUE stories (conversations) that all revolve around one thing.... Cantaloupe. Three sepererate acounts of conversations with people. You may cry, you may laugh, you may even waste your time reading it, but rest assured, the surprise ending ties it all together.
(1:13) Grayson: how do you spell cantalope
(1:17) stonepauper: uhh
i dunno
(1:17) Grayson: cantel-NOPE
ohhh i figured it out
it was just one of those words that was actually spelled right, but it underlined it because it wasn't capitalized
so Cantalope is right, but not "cantalope"
(1:19) stonepauper: oh
(1:25) Grayson: this is the BEST webpage ive ever seen
i mean, just this one page
(1:26) stonepauper: linkt it up
(1:26) Grayson: its like what the internet was MADE for
its like a guide to life practically
it explains DNA
economics and sales
everything you need to know
(1:27) stonepauper: sweet
(1:28) Grayson: have you seen movern callar? the answer when i return
.....................i left for a few minutes here...............
(1:34) Grayson: damn it! you are supposed to answer
so i can see the answer when i return
(1:34) stonepauper: i thought you were going to answer
(1:34) Grayson: no! YOU answer
its like with tv
(1:34) stonepauper: yeah but you narrated it
(1:35) Grayson: i know, but its hard to make you ask yourself that question without making you confused
i thought i might be able to pull it off like i did
(1:36) stonepauper: true
(1:47) Grayson: hey dude, check out the slang they use for "dildo"
(1:48) stonepauper: ?
(1:48) Grayson: did you go to it
(1:48) stonepauper: yes
(1:48) Grayson: its not really slang at all. they just use it as a word
but i do like the conversation they used for an example
"oh thats interesting"
(1:49) stonepauper: yeah
(1:49) Grayson: i bet that guy felt really awkward
i mean, what do you say to that kind of thing?
he might have taken it as a hint that she wanted to have sex with him
you know like "i have to use THIS stupid thing when my husband is gone"
i mean, why else would she bring it up?
(1:50) stonepauper: how do you know she's talking to a dude/
(1:50) Grayson: why would she want to have sex with a WOMAN?
you and your fantacies man
01:16:56 punkorastropunk: how do you spell cantalope
01:17:03 punkorastropunk: i cant do it. and it is imperative that i find out
01:17:11 snickerspunk: Nice eh. I still owe you a buy
01:17:18 punkorastropunk: i am in a dire cantalope spelling situation
01:18:20 snickerspunk: Ill look it up
01:18:59 snickerspunk: Cantaloupe
01:19:45 punkorastropunk: wow, that word really threw me for a CANTA-loupe
01:19:48 punkorastropunk: if you know what i mean
01:20:12 snickerspunk: cantaloupe
01:20:32 punkorastropunk: yes thank you, you already said that
01:20:36 punkorastropunk: not that i dont appretiate it
01:20:49 punkorastropunk: its just that you already explained it once and ive got it down
01:20:51 snickerspunk: lol. i couldnt tell if i got it to ya. my phones a wacko
01:20:56 punkorastropunk: alright
01:21:02 punkorastropunk: well i guess thats understandable
01:21:24 punkorastropunk: well did your phone recieve the terrific joke i made about the "canta-loupe"
01:21:53 snickerspunk: not yet. my message box was full.
01:21:53 punkorastropunk: actually its not that good of a joke because it requires pronouncing the word in an unorthodox way
01:21:56 snickerspunk: i just erased it.
01:22:00 punkorastropunk: damn
01:22:02 punkorastropunk: well you missed out
01:22:06 snickerspunk: damn.
01:22:11 punkorastropunk: it was really a one time thing
01:22:28 snickerspunk: lol... dont worry i just got it
01:22:40 snickerspunk: terribly good i might say
01:22:41 punkorastropunk: oh man. i didn't see that coming
01:22:41 snickerspunk: ....
01:22:50 punkorastropunk: dot dot dot dot?
01:23:03 snickerspunk: would you prefer ...
01:23:08 snickerspunk: or ..
01:23:26 punkorastropunk: wait.... each time i send a message does it come out as a new message. so should i send things to you in BULK so it takes up less messages?
01:23:45 punkorastropunk: well it all depends on what you mean by the dots
01:23:54 punkorastropunk: like if you wanted to end a sentance. one is often enough
01:24:23 punkorastropunk: or if you wanted to use a comma, you should use a comma.... unlike what i just did on accident in the last sentance
01:24:31 punkorastropunk: i guess i got too excited about the periods
(2:03) PunkElite: hold on
(2:04) Grayson: oh shit. ive had a email waiting to send to you for like an hour and a half and i only didn't send it because i need to find out how to spell cantaloupe
and it took awhile to find out, but by the time i did, i had completely forgot about the email and started talking to people
but i sent it just now
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