Friday, January 14, 2005

Mirror Car

Luis was driving me home this afternoon and as we crossed a one-way street (Coal) we noticed another light blue volvo driving exactly parallel to us a block up the street on our left. The two cars sync'd up as if we were looking into a mirror of the car we were in! So I told Luis that we had to do it again at the next street, which also was a one-way (Lead). We came up to the stop sign and looked to the left and saw the blue car at his stop sign. The blue car started going, so Luis started driving again to match up with him, but unfortunately there was a wave of cars on the one-way coming at us from the right! So he quickly put it in reverse and backed up in time. The other blue car got away and we couldn't do the mirror thing again. The question I have is: if Luis didn't stop and back up and we did get hit by the cars to our right and we were killed, would the mirror car's driver to the left get killed too?

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