Thursday, January 08, 2004

It's that time again! Yes, time for another heart racing, mysteriously bamboozling coincidence!... Well, as I said yesterday, I was JUST talking about "extreme" products with Monet a day before I found that "article" (if you could call it that). I then proceded to give my two cents about how companies call everything 'extreme' for no reason. The coincidence doesn't end here my brothers, not even close. During this same span of the last couple of days, I have been trying to remember the address for a site I had once signed up for that kept track of how many people visited my blog (among other things). I was wanting to visit this site again to see, well, how many people have visited my blog (among other things)! I knew the address was 'something', but I couldn't remember what it was. I eventually went to the Salam Pax blog because I remembered it had a link to the tracking website. Just as I thought, it had the link and the site name was none other than! Sweet chocolate covered jesus! My coincidences are getting pretty EXTREME.

Current Music: Lard - Jesus Was A Terrorist

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