Today in one of my classes, we watched like 10 minutes of Plan 9 From Outer Space. It's the worst movie ever made. Yeah right. I hate how everybody says that it's the worst movie ever. Yeah, sure, there are some minor glitches in the movie like when people accidently knock over tombstone sets and such, but imagine it more like watching a play. You don't say "this is the worst play ever made!" when your daughter knocks over a cardboard turkey in the thanksgivings day pageant, so why is Plan 9 the worst? Besides, you can easily think of much worse movies than it. Apparently nobody has seen a certain movie called Seabiscuit--Well, I haven't seen it either, but it's called Seabiscuit. What a blatant disregard for making a decent movie title. I'm sure if the inventors of the word sea, and the word biscuit knew what hiddious things would be done with their creations, they would have thought twice about making those two words. Also, now get this, my sources (the movie poster) tell me that the movie doesn't even have anything to do with the sea, or biscuits! Apparently, it's actually about Toby Mcguire riding a horse. Given all this information, I think we can all come to the proper agreement that this is a bad movie that nobody should see. Yet nobody acclaims Seabiscuit as "the worst movie ever made!", but they do to poor Plan 9. The "worst movie ever made!" generalization is an utter lie. It doesn't take more than a few episodes of Mystery Science Theater to see that there are much worse movies out there than Plan 9. Hey, even if Plan 9 was the worst movie out there in terms of acting and sets, it would still be a good movie. Nobody takes into account that it was low-budget. For some reason people seem to think "Hey, wait a second, they are using hubcaps for UFOs! I could be a much better director than this Ed Wood fellow. I would simply use million dollar UFO sets and computer graphics instead of hubcaps. Damn, that Ed Wood is stupid, my idea is way better". Well, despite popular belief, "million dollar UFO sets and computer graphics" can cost up to millions of dollars. The next thing you know people will being saying "Raging Bull was the worst movie ever made! Just look at it, it's black and white.... BLACK AND WHITE for gods sake! You won't see this kind of nonsense in the award winning Seabiscuit!". Let's look at another movie, Independence Day. Aliens come to earth from another planet looking to destroy/take it over. And to think, the preview made it look like a cliche plot. Looks like somebody deserves an award for originality. No, not you Ed Wood, we were talking about Will Smith. Despite the fact that Plan 9 was one of the most original plots I've ever seen in a movie (especially an alien movie), it is still regarded as terrible. I know what your thinking "Your stupid, dont u realze that its just anther 1 of those movie where aliens come 2 earth an ttry to take it ovar?". Well, all you folks that say that should be rounded up and shot, for you didn't understand the plot of the movie at all. Fuck off and go watch Seabiscuit.
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