Tuesday, February 03, 2004

The Truth About Marijuana (aka Blatant Lies)

Man, I've been learning so much non-biased information on marijuana at freevibe.com. I think I'll share the knowledge today with excerpts from the website:

1. Marijuana is not a harmless little plant. Smoking marijuana can lead to some changes in your brain similar to those caused by cocaine, heroin and alcohol (Yes, marijuana leads to temporary changes in your brain similar to drugs. We already know that, that's why it's called a drug). Marijuana contains the same cancer-causing chemicals as the (legal drug) tobacco (although isn't addicting and nobody has died of cancer from it... but still). It can also ruin your future, by getting you kicked out of school (due to anti-marijuana laws, or the plant itself?) or off a sports team (again, due to anti-marijuana laws, or the plant itself?), or get you in trouble with the law (oh, I due to the law). You call that harmless? (You're right, anti-marijuana laws aren't harmless afterall!). And besides, the fact that something is 100 percent natural doesn't mean it's good for you. Heroin is synthesized from a chemical produced by the opium poppy (heroin is synthesized from a chemical produced by... wait, nevermind, herion isn't natural at all). Cocaine is extracted and refined from the coca plant (extracted and refined from...). These are two of the most harmful drugs known today. (I think we should just get it over with and ban plants all together)

2. Marijuana contains the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco-including the deadly carcinogen benzopyrene-and at higher concentrations. Smoking four joints a week is equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes every day (is it really?) which, even in the short term, leads to lung and respiratory problems (I hear you can get lung cancer from the first hit, it's insane). Long-term use increases the chances of tissue damage and lung cancer. Regardless of the content of THC (the intoxicating chemical in marijuana) the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide absorbed are three to five times greater than that of tobacco smokers. (ohhhhhh, 3-5 times greater harmful chemicals than cigarettes, so it's really more like: 4 joints a week is equal to about 15 [less than ONE pack of] cigarettes a week in toxicity and not actually "4 joints a week is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes every day". OK. Let's look at this paragraph and use some basic math here. It says that "Smoking four joints a week is equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes every day". 20 [cigs per pack] multiplied by 7 [days per week] equals 140. Divide the 140 by 4 [joints a week] and that equals out to be 35 times worse than a cigarette]. It later says in the same paragraph that "[toxicity inhaled and] absorbed are three to five times greater than that of tobacco smokers". Three to five times worse. I thought we just discovered that a joint was thirty-five times worse! This seems to be a contridiction until we look closer at the first statement. The first statement was referring to marijuana's chemicals [which have yet to be proven harmful and not even the article says they have harmed anyone]. While the second statement was referring to the lung and smoke dangers. It seriously has been proven that marijuana is worse for your lungs than cigarettes, but it is not a health issue, given that marijuana is not addictive. What I'm saying is that nobody will smoke enough marijuana to hurt their lungs. It's extremely rare that a marijuana user will smoke a stick a day for their entire life as people do with cigarettes. Much less likely is smoking handfuls of sticks of marijuana a day, as many cigarette users do). A study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that the way smokers inhale marijuana and hold it in the lungs adds to the damage. (A study using my own brain and common sense shows that legalizing marijuana and lowering it's price [from removing it from the black market and retail competition] would enable users to afford to take the plant by eating it [w/brownies perhaps], reducing any possible lung damage to 0%. I wonder why the paragraph didn't mention that...)

"If their stark reality will make you think, will make you aware that something must be done to wipe out this ghastly menace, then this blog will not have failed in its purpose. Because the dread Marihuana may be reaching forth for your son or daughter… or yours…OR YOURS!"

Current Music: Dead Kennedys - Dreadlocks Of The Suburbs (live)
My Rating: 4

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