Slasher sounds like some crazy horror movie right? Well, it's not. It's an IFC documentary about a used car salesman. You might think that that would be a boring movie, but it was actually pretty interesting. It was made really well and entertaining, given the circumstances. This expert car salesman goes to Tennesee to help this used car dealership that isn't selling cars well. He promises that he can sell 400 cars in 3 days, or something close to that. The film documents what happens. Also, there is a scene where a goat holds a beer in his mouth and chugs the whole thing on his own... I kid you not. That alone is worth watching this movie for. A quote from the movie is:
The American consumer; if they drive by a pile of horseshit that's a million dollars and they drive by it every day for 2 weeks and one day they drive by and there's a sign for a dollar, they'll buy the shit
3 stars
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