Sunday, August 01, 2004

Movie Review: Corporation (new)

I saw the Corporation at the Guild movie theatre a couple of blocks from my house tonight. The movie was very interesting and well made. It is a documentary on "the corporation" in general. Countless interviews are displayed in the documentary, in fact, that's what about half of the movie was. The interviewees range from various authors, such as the one of No Logo*, to Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, to various corporate CEOs. I especially liked the CEO of the largest carpet manufactuer (I can't remember the name of him or the corporation), I agreed with just about everything he said, I would never expect some one like him to be a big time CEO. The Corporation evaluates corporations as if they were people (as they claim to be to obtain certain rights) and comes to the conclusion that they would be diagnosed as medically pyshopathic.
A lot of the movie focused on another problem that stems from the problem of corporate America; milk. Milk isn't bad, but the chemicals that are given to cows are. The movie showed how the American FDA had no problems with the chemicals which ended up doing great harm to cows and resulting in puss coming out of their utters, along with milk. Canada on the other hand, never accepted the chemicals as decent and banned their use from the begining.
There are dozens of dozens of examples of this type of corporate reign that goes unaccounted for. Many examples are in the movie, but the overall problem with corporations would take many massive book volumes to cover and not just this one 2:30 hour movie. The movie did do a great job in addressing a wide array of corporate abuse from oppressive dictatorships in other countries (funded by US tax money for the sheer purpose of protecting corporate interests in the countries) to pollution and sweatshop labor. Also, this movie is a great source of footage of corporate caused mutations, such as a child with backward feet and a kid born with eye sockets... but no eyes.
and see this movie (ends August 5th)

*of which I plan on reading soon. Kevin got the book awhile ago, I looked at it and it looked very interesting.

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