The United States 'War On Terrorism' is such bullshit, of course, but I feel like talking about it even though everybody already knows it's wrong. They make it sound like every troop going over there is armed with a "Democracy for Dummies" book and all the Iraqis are like "what is this strange thing? Democracy? we don't understand! this is too advanced for our simple minds!". Then the news will have pundits basicly say "Iraqi people are like little children that need shots. They don't want to get them, but it's for their own good. We're going to take them through the process of democracy kicking and screaming, but in the end, they'll thank us." It's amazing how simple the news can wrap things up to be. Iraqi people are just as smart as Americans (they often attend our colleges), and if they don't want our form of democracy (aka another colony of ours where all our business' have control and the resources go straight to our country), then back off! Don't try to 'help' them if they don't even want help. It's also ridiculous that they say the purpose of intervention is for 'democracy'. If you have any knowledge of military interventions, you'll know that the United States is very opposed to democratic states. Actually, I take that back. It's alright to have a democracy, as long as it's capitalist and doesn't make any attempts to raise the bar on social reform, and the right leaders are in power... that is the definition of democracy to US planners: a capitalist system that heads to the United States, the IMF, the WTO, the World Bank and the overall capitalist order. Shit, you can have an oppressively violent dictator and they'll be referred to as 'democratic reformers' in the quest for democracy... as long as they meet the requirement for the 'new' definition of democracy. Now, if your democratic country does something evil and crazy like elect a leader that will spend more time and devotion to the people of the country than he does sucking up to the global capitalist system... well, he just might be assassinated. But it's only called assassination if you get caught*. Actually, not even then is it called assassination, it's usually called things like "great strides for democracy".
*Believe it or not, but the CIA doesn't try to be an well known violent connection of groups that kill innocent people with your tax dollars. They ARE obviosly all those things mentioned, but they don't try to be. The CIA manuals specifically explain that it's always best to make it look like an accident.
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