Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Iraqi Beastie Boys Song

I did some thorough digging on the internet and downloaded that 2004 released left wing Beastie Boys song that isn't on any cd. The song is about Iraq and the war on terrorism. Sounds like a cool song huh? Well it isn't... it was pretty shitty. It's lyrics are about Iraq and they aren't bad, but the song just was off the level. Not nearly as good as the Beastie Boys we all know and love. Maybe political songs and Beastie Boys just don't mix... maybe they are only good in their normal goofy mode. The only good politicaly influenced song I know by them wasn't even hardly about politics and was more just random and goofy. I speak of 'Sabotage', which was about the Watergate scandal. Didn't know that?... well I told you it was hardly about politics.

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