Saturday, June 05, 2004

Movie Review: Harry Potter (3) and the Prisoner...

Last night, the opening night, I saw the third Harry Potter movie. In my opinion, it is the best one so far. I like how in the anthology of the Harry Potter movies, the director is different every time. Yet, the overall Harry Potter feeling remains just as good and consistant. "The Prisoner of Azcalan" (or something) was directed really well and had lots of great special effects that were David Fincher-esqe. It is also worth mentioning that part of the movie has some time traveling in it, and I have to say that this movie was the only time-traveling movie that I approve of. Usually in time traveling movies, the plot makes up it's own time traveling laws which don't really make sense, but in this movie they thoroughly made sense and it was hella tyte. I would definately reccomend this movie to anyone, especially if you liked the other Harry Potter movies.
4 1/2 stars

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