Tuesday, April 20, 2004

420: Kari, This Is For You

Kari Paustein had never heard of '420' until I mentioned it today to her. I for one hear of it all the time. For example, today alone I heard talked about at least 4 different times, I saw it written in the bathroom "420 bitch" and I saw a kid with a shirt that said '420' inside of a highway route sign. In Albuquerque, it is well known that many people go to Roosevelt park to toke it up in mass. 2 years ago it was very successfull, but last year I think the--HOLLY SHIT!!!! I felt something terrible on my neck when I was typing just now and I reached at it and threw it across the room. It was a fucking cockaroch!!!! It crawled up me onto my fucking neck!--Sorry for that interuption. I think insects like the cockaroch prove that God doesn't exist. Anyways, I think the last Roosevelt smoke out was stopped by the police. Lot's of people say different things about where the term '420' came from. The most common one I hear is that it is a "police code for drug bust". Well, if you want to know all about 420 and where it originated(I'm talking to you Kari), click here.
Personally I think 420 is stupid. It's a good plan if you want to get stoned on a day where everybody who doesn't want you smoking is extra suspicious. It's also a good plan to have drugs on you and go to a park and smoke in front of police. These are ideas of stoners. That's one nugget of proof that smoking can make you dumb. I once saw the stupidest 420 shirt (oh, and there are many). It said "it's 4:19, got a minute?". It didn't even make sense. Unless the shirt was supposed to imply that the person needed help getting ready for 4:20 and there wasn't much time left. It sure doesn't sucessfully state that they want you to get stoned with them, because your minute has run out by the time it's 4:20. I think it should say "it's 4:20, got 15 minutes?". Now that would sucessfully imply that they are asking you to get stoned with them. Or maybe even a shirt that says "it's 4:20, I smoke marijuana even though it's illegal, that's just how cool I am". Either one would get the point across. But certainly not the "4:19" one. That one is just plain dumb.

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