Thursday, April 15, 2004

Movie Review: Jesus' Big Adventure

On Easter, coincidentally, I saw the much talked about "Passion of the Christ" movie. It was pretty intense in some parts; making you feel the pain of the violence more than one would feel in most other violent movies. On the other hand, it did get a little out of hand. I mean, nobody would be able to withstand all the pain of being whipped with sharp rocky whips and hit with sticks for an hour...and then carry a freaking solid wood cross up a hill while being whipped some more... then be crucified and still be able to carry on a decent conversation. No, I don't believe that. I don't think the Bible (disiples) even meant it to sound that extreme. Yeah, he was supposed to be some super man, but not superman. He didn't have freakish stregnth or anything. He was just a man. A man so poor he only had one pair of sandals. He should have invested in shoes, because as Homer says, "maybe if he had better arch support he could have gotten away".

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