Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Jets to Brail!

I just noticed recently that our school has put up these new little plastic signs on the walls for the room numbers of the classes and the health room and all that. I didn't notice until today that they even had brail (you know, the little bumps that let you read with your fingers... although, nobody has ever met a single human capable of doing that). Anyways, I was thinking how ridiculous brail is in a lot of cases. For instance, if you are blind, how the hell are you going to know where the plastic brail sign is anyways? How would you even know if there was one in the first place? Unless you asked somebody... in which case it would make more sense to just ask them what room number it was. The only way that brail signs would possibly work is if blind people just went around poking the fuck out of everything trying to find some brail to read. I think having the brail on signs in public places just encourages this type of behavior. Who needs a bunch of blind people blindly poking everything in sight?... well, everything in our sight. I certainly don't need it. In fact, I'd be glad to tell any blind person where they are or where they need to go to get where they are going--and I think most people wouldn't mind telling them either. Which is just how it is today. If there actually were a blind person in our school people wouldn't just ignore him and watch him stumble around the halls. NO! They would direct him to exactly where he needed to go! I can guarentee this. So why is there a need for brail? There are always going to be people around in public places like our school hallways... unless the school isn't open, in which case the blind man must have broken in. I don't think we need to help burglers figure out where they are, even if they are blind! Therefor, I have come to the conclusion that brail is just there to remind us people that can see that there are blind people in this world and we should be thankful to have our sight. Brail is really just another form of those cheezy cartoons we watched in elementary school that tell us not to run with sissors and the like; they are really there to simple tell us "take care of your eyes fool! Oh, and this is room 138".

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